Lindsay Roop


Lindsay is a procurement attorney for the Department of Veterans Affairs. For years she has leveraged her professional skills to benefit Worthington schools.

She served leadership roles for the Colonial Hills PTA, specifically working to redraft their bylaws and most notably to spearhead the development and construction of an outdoor learning space in the wooded ravine behind Colonial Hills Elementary.

Lindsay has also volunteered her time for Kilbourne Middle School’s PTA, fundraising for the football booster club, and serving as outreach coordinator for the most recent successful Worthington Bond/Levy campaign.

Yasmine Robles

With over 12 years of design experience, my passion lies in helping you attract dream clients. How? I take what makes you fab, mix it with strategy, and add a healthy spoonful of sarcasm. My go-to when not plotting my world domination? Tacos, tequila, and Latin dancing.

Colleen Moidu


KJ Shannan